To Make Change
We Need You
At Appetite For Change, there are several ways to contribute and support the creation and strengthening of pathways to accessible, nutritious food in North Minneapolis. You can make a recurring donation, start a birthday fundraiser, or give through your employer. Choose the option that works best for you!
Ways To Give
Monthly Giving
Become a Changemaker and maximize your support of Appetite For Change with a recurring gift. Give in a way that works for your budget and schedule while changing the lives of youth in North Minneapolis.
One-Time Giving
This is your chance to be an Agent of Change. Annual gifts ensure Appetite For Change is able to grow over 6,000 lbs of organic produce that feeds over 600 participants annually while training the youth of North Minneapolis to be leaders in their community.
Donor Advised Fund
A donor advised fund (DAF) combines tax benefits and supporting the Appetite For Change mission with ease. DAFs are accounts administered by 501(c)3 organizations, acting as fiscal sponsors to manage donations on behalf of donors.
Increase Your Support
Double or triple the impact of your gift by participating in your employer’s matching gift program.
Contact AFC Advancement Staff at giving@afcmn.org to connect your employer with Appetite For Changes’ workplace giving program.
Host A Fundraiser
Link your friends and family to the mission of Appetite For Change by hosting your own fundraising event. Make your special occasion: a birthday, an anniversary or graduation a fundraiser to benefit Appetite For Change!
Contact AFC Advancement Staff at giving@afcmn.org for more information on how we can support your event!
Legacy Giving
Your planned gift to Appetite For Change is not just a financial contribution, it's a powerful tool that can shape the future of social change. By simply naming Appetite For Change as a beneficiary of your will, trust, retirement account(s) or life insurance policy, you can make a significant impact without having to part with assets during your lifetime.
Contact our team at giving@afcmn.org for assistance in creating a legacy gift. Your contribution will play a crucial role in protecting food sustainability in North Minneapolis.

"I've become a lover of some produce like Chard, Kale to name just a few, all because they were provided in our weekly food boxes...my husband and I are not mobile, so getting out is very difficult for me, not being mobile is another reason these food boxes are important to me, they come delivered to my door."
Community Cooks Meal Box Recipient
"AFC helps me learn about our health, helped me learn about gardening and coming out of my comfort zone a little more and meeting new people and opportunities. I like how they teach me about my community and my health and teach me about keeping/holding onto a job for the future.”
Youth Training & Opportunities Program (YTOP) Intern
"I got to hand it to y'all with the beautiful bean pods in last week's program [Community Cooks Workshop]... They were so beautiful and delicious. I've never seen or had fresh beans like that ever."
Community Cooks Workshop Attendee
This is the moment you make change.
Become a champion of AFC’s mission by donating today.