Youth Training & Opportunities Program:
Cook, Garden, Learn, and Grow with AFC
AFC’s youth interns engage in peer-led activities that aid in the development of career, leadership, advocacy, organizing, and wellness skills. This training takes place in the kitchen, garden, classroom, and even in the music studio. AFC’s youth are paid for their participation in the YTOP program as they learn farming, culinary, and entrepreneurial skills while increasing their positive social connections and developing their emotional well-being.
Grow Within Yourself, Your Home,
& Your Community
YTOP offers young people resources and support to grow experience and build skills toward their passions and careers. Through a combination of Community Learning Sessions and On-The-Job Training, AFC’s youth farm in urban garden plots, hone professional skills, learn about food justice and sustainable wellness practices, and expand their potential to create a strong and authentic future for themselves and their communities.

AFC’s Youth Training & Opportunities Program is now receiving applications for the 2025 program season! Click the orange button below to find the online application, or feel free to reach out to our YTOP team via email at ytop@afcmn.org.

The Youth Are The Truth!
Have You Seen “GROW FOOD”?

was created as a capstone summer project by youth interns participating in YTOP. Operating under the moniker “Urban Youth,” these young people are activists, artists (rap, spoken word, dance and theatre), aspiring chefs, and entrepreneurs.
Written and produced by AFC Urban Youth, this song expands our message to not only be about healthy eating and living, but growing your personal and professional skills as well, inviting young people to explore the opportunities that AFC and programs like YTOP offer youth in North Minneapolis.
Check out AFC’s Youth in Action!